Location 2 – Behind the Fromelles Front - German Command Bunker/ Kennedy Private Memorial and "Hitler" Bunker
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Directions – Leave the Australian Memorial Park heading towards Fromelles village (its church can be seen on the crest). Take the first turning on the right in a few yards by the distinctive red brick house and drive for a few hundred yards until you reach a sharp right-hand bend by a house. The German Command bunker is in the field on the left. Leave the site the same way you came and turn right at the red brick house back onto the Fromelles road. The Kennedy Private Memorial is on the left past the bend. Continue on, following the signs to Fromelles village which is atop the Aubers Ridge. Once through the village turn right onto the D141 to Aubers. The "Hitler Bunker" is on the right in a few yards.
German Command Bunker – Located very close to the German second line strongpoint known as Deleval Farm (the site of which is about a hundred yards the other side of the road), this German Command Bunker was built in 1917 by 81st Regiment Pionier-Kompanie in an attempt to better co-ordinate their defences.
Kennedy Private Memorial – Captain Paul Adrian Kennnedy was killed leading "B" Company of the 2nd Rifle Brigade on 9th May 1915. Of his four brothers, only one survived the war. Captain Kennedy's mother bought this plot of land after the war and erected the memorial in remembrance of her son and his colleagues who fell on the same day. The Commune of Fromelles now maintains the memorial.

The Kennedy Private Memorial. Photo: Mark Sluman. Click on image for full size (211 KB). |
The "Hitler" Bunker – Adolf Hitler fought in this sector with the 16th Bavarian Regiment from March 1915 to September 1916. Following the fall of France in 1940, Hitler returned to some of his old haunts on the Western Front to conduct his very own "warwalks". It was popularly believed for many years that this bunker, in the German support line during the battle of Fromelles and constructed by the 4th Field Pioneers (as it says above the entrance), was inhabited by Hitler during the First World War. It could well have been, although photographs of the Fuhrer touring the sector in 1940 would seem to show him at an altogether different bunker.

The "Hitler" Bunker, near Fromelles. Photo: Mark Sluman. Click on image for full size (315 KB). |