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WWI French & US Frontline:

Location 9 – Fort de Troyon (Meuse Sector)
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Like Fort de la Pompelle guarding the approaches to Reims, Fort de Troyon is another designed by the French fortress engineer, Séré de Rivières, following France’s disastrous defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. It is one of a number of forts linking the defences of Verdun with those at Toul and is situated on the right bank of the river Meuse.
During the autumn fighting of 1914 before trench deadlock halted the war of movement, the fort protected the flank and rear of General Sarrail’s Third Army. After suffering a five-day bombardment, starting on 8th September, it was attacked by the German 10th Infantry Division. Despite being garrisoned by just 450 men (one infantry company, two machine guns and an artillery battery consisting of just 12 guns), the French resisted for a vital week, preventing the Third Army’s destruction.
The fort was to remain near the front line throughout the war sustaining further damage but was never captured by the enemy.